
Custom Build: RGM-79Q 'GM Quel Semi-Striker'

I did it! I finished the core trio of the mercenary team before the end of 2014! This project was conceptualized in February of this year, work did not start until May and June, and I still have quite a ways to go, but at least got the core team done before the year's end!

In the last post of Space Mercenary: Specter GM, I stated my next project was to be Weiß Hund Zulu. Though I did work on customizing a Geara Zulu a great deal over the summer, the project came to a screeching halt for reasons I will talk about when I finish it. Whatever the case, another season has passed and I was given the chance to work on one of the first concepts of this project: GM Quel Semi-Striker. I was inspired by the GM II Semi-Striker seen in Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn and wanted to create a variation of it for my shelf (Thus beginneth the brainstorm for a mobile suit team).

Also, in my continued pursuit to keeping an uncluttered list, I create a project page for Space Mercenary: Specter GM. This way, I can add more information about the project without cluttering the main page. To access this page normally, you can find a link on the page labeled "Gundariumsmith." Please check it out (the link in this paragraph will get you there directly).

With the housekeeping out of the way, I am proud to present the third (fourth, if you count the incomplete Weiß Hund Zulu) fifth of the Space Mercenary: Specter GM project, RGM-79Q 'GM Quel Semi-Striker.'

This Gunpla is an intended kitbash between two suits produced in the latter half of the first decade in the second millennium: HGUC GM Striker and HGUC GM Quel. I say intended because I did quite an extensive amount of research before purchasing the kits (drooling over Gunpla on dalong.net). From this research, not only did I find the GM Quel appealing, I also found the construction very similar to the GM Striker, making for an easier kitbash than attempting the kitbash with a kit separated by more time. This joint similarity would be essential for this kitbash, especially  in the arms, where a majority of the customization resides.

Before I got into a large amount of customization and painting, I made sure the base kit was going to be compatible enough. Like the GM II Semi-Striker, there was no need to heavily modify the torso or legs. Most of the modification would be in the arms. Fortunately, the compatibility of the arms was a lot better than I originally intended.
With the aforementioned research, the only compatibility I was expecting was the connection to the torso: the polycap connection was identical. What I did not anticipate was how the whole arm construction was basically identical (depicted below). It should also be noted that the HGUC Powered GM and HGBF Powered GM Cardigan has a similar arm construction.

With the similarity, I was able to mix and match the joint parts to keep one arm as the GM Quel and have the other as the full GM Striker arm to emulate the shielded arm the GM II Semi-Striker has. Unfortunately, as similar as the pieces are, they are not a perfect fit - I had to shave down the outer armor of GM Quel's upper arm to get a better fit, not to mention the already loose connection point the GM Striker has in its arms.

Once I had the straight build to my satisfaction, it was time prep the kit for painting. The first step was to seal seam lines. My standard operation was to use Model Master plastic cement to fuse the pieces together. Once the glue sets, I remove excess glue and smooth the piece to my liking. I've had my hits and misses with this technique, but its the easiest solution with my current supplies.

As you can see in the photo above, the lower legs were a failed attempt at removing the seams. I could probably fill it in with putty, but I decided against working at the side most people won't see. At least the upper legs and shoulders were almost perfectly done!

After priming with Krylon Gray, I painted with what I have been using for my core Mercenary team: Testors Enamel Flat Gunmetal and Flat Sea Blue. For the details and trimming throughout the kit, I decided to use Testors Enamel Silver and Brass, but have more silver to have a closer color scheme to the Jegan Sniper Type rather than the Specter GM, the leader of the group. I also recently picked up some retro Mr. Color Metallic Green (known as Aqueous Hobby Color by Gunze Sangyo) for a clearance price of 0.99 USD at the Spare Time Shop.

As of writing this post, there were quite a few jars of metallic green along with a small selection of other colors for the same price. If you're in the Massachusetts area, pay them a visit!
With this Metallic Green I was able to avoid sticker usage, which I was considering for all the cameras (and whatever those metallic green parts on the shins are).

I finished it off with a top coat of Krylon ColorMaster Acrylic Crystal Clear Flat. After using RustOleum's Matte Finish, I am happy with the results of this top coat. I think I'll have use for the super gritty Matte Finish, but definitely not for regular use.
When top coating the Specter GM, I masked the clear visor, but for the GM Quel, I decided to top coat the clear orange visor. I am not sure if I like the results of the top coat. At least I don't hate it.

A part of my likes the results, but another part of me knows I can do much better. Unfortunately many mistakes were made while rushing to get this suit done before the new year, causing even more delays. Had I waited for parts to properly dry, I probably wouldn't have had to redo the chest vents and read thrusters...twice. I also probably would have had much cooler looking details on the backpack. Nevertheless, everything turned out relatively okay: I have the core team finished before 2015!

I think that covers everything GM Quel Semi-Striker related. I hope you've enjoyed everything Space Mercenary: Specter GM so far (in terms of viewership, the project seems to be the most popular on this blog). If you have any questions, comments, (constructive) criticisms, please feel free to leave it in the blog or on the reddit post!
I hope you've enjoyed 2014. Until next time, may your cuts be clean, airbrush nozzles clear, and sand paper rough as we head in to the new year. This is Gundariumsmith, for the last time in 2014, signing out!

Want to see more? The Specter GM project page is now open! 


Quick Review:Adele (Diva Colors)

This weekend, we take a look at my favorite mobile suit from Mobile Suit Gundam AGE, the Adele. I picked up this mass production version of Gundam AGE-1 (along with the HGUC GM Striker) at Gundam Planet earlier this month. The trek from Jersey City to Palisades Park was not a fun one, but coming from Boston, I could not let the opportunity pass.

The 1/12 scale RX-78-2 found by the entrance of Gundam Planet
The Adele is one of the mass produced mobile suit from the Earth Federation in 140 AG. It is based on Gundam AGE-1 and, as such, can use the wear system, specifically the ones used by AGE-1 such as Titus and Spallow. Though the primary color for the Adele is a shade of mint on white, the two Adeles used aboard the Diva were colored blue, similar to the blue on the protagonist suits. These two blue suits are piloted by Max Hartway and Arisa Gunhale.

Quick Review
Since the Adele is a mass production version of Gundam AGE-1, the kit borrows a lot of pieces from AGE-1, mainly the torso. As such, a lot of spare pieces from AGE-1 remain in the runners, specifically the legs.

Like the Genoace Custom, the Adele is a pretty simple build. Unfortunately there are less play options than the Genoace Custom and the articulation is not as good, especially in the waist. At least it doesn't fall apart like the G-Exes Jackedge I have.

One thing that really draws me to this Adele is the Diva Colors. The blue has that lead protagonist vibrancy, yet it has the simplicity of a grunt suit. I especially like the blue in the shoulders combined with the white chest plate that goes on top of the blue torso. The suit will stand out even more when the number decal is applied.

Some more subtle detail in this kit reside in the legs. There are gray inserts behind the legs as extra thrusters. For a high grade, that is some great detail that will not be normally seen while the kit is on display.

One major problem I have with this kit is the shield attachment. the adapter is a very short flat piece that can easily fall off from the arm. And unlike the regular HG Shield adapters, the shield adapter for the Adele does not have two attachment points, meaning the arm would have to be in an awkward position to have the shield facing forward.

Overall I am happy with this kit. Though a somewhat simple build with only a small amount of play options to offer, the subtle details throughout the deceivingly simple design can be an attention grabber, especially if you have two of these in vibrant blue on display back to back.
On top of this already great kit, the one thing this mass production mobile suit has over any other grunt suit in Gundam AGE is the fact that it can take on AGE-1's wear system (and remain canon). This means any of the AGE-1 Variants can be swapped in for the Adele. Though you will end up spending an extra 15-20 USD just to change up the Adele, the fact that this play option is available makes up for the lack of play options in the base kit.

Here is the straight build Adele Spallow. The blue in AGE-1 Spallow and Adele Diva Colors are slightly different, but still look good when combined. As mentioned on the quick review of the Genoace Custom, I plan on gathering the whole mobile suit team on the Diva. With the Adele Spallow, I plan on representing Arisa Gunhale in episode 25 (project page with more details soon to come is here).
That is all on the quick review of Adele (Diva Colors). I hope you all enjoy(ed) your vacations and may the new year bring us all motivation to bring our skills to a new level. May your cuts be clean and your sand paper rough. This is Gundariumsmith wishing all of you a Happy Twenty Fifteen!

PS: More on the HG AGE-1 Spallow soon: As of right now, I did only built the ligaments to add on to the Adele. It should be finished soon, so please stay tuned!

Mecha Analysis: G no Reconguista Episode 14

Previously on Mecha Analysis
Gundam Build Fighters Try Episode 12
Gundam G no Reconguista Episode 13

Today on Mecha Analysis, we look at episode 14 of Gundam Moonraker. Something to keep in mind when looking at the mechanical designs of Gundam Moonraker: The ones responsible for mechanical design are as follows,
  • Akira Yasuda, known for designing mechs in Turn A Gundam, Code Geass and Overman King Gainer.
  • Kimitoshi Yamane, notable for mechanical designs in G Gundam, Gundam SEED, SEED Destiny, SEED Stargazer, IGLOO, and Eureka Seven: AO
  • Not much can be found about Ippei Gyobu. I think he's new.

Episode 14
I hope everyone had a merry Christmas whether with family, friends, or the people around you (even if you do not celebrate). In this episode, we are introduced to a new opening. A slower, but more fitting song paired with more recycled scenes from past episodes. I wonder if Tomino feels openings are a thing of the past and should not be worked on, or if he was just being lazy. Whatever the case, I was hoping for some neat animations in the new opening.

As for the actual content of this episode, a lot of tension is built up from multiple factions from earth attempting to visit Towasanga. Though a little skirmish occurs, not too much definitive material shows up for this blog series. Earlier in the series, the Capital Guard celebrated their new mobile suits with parades, cheer leading, and launch observation (like space shuttle launches or air shows), and because Bellri has been hanging out with the Amerians, there is decent conversation about their mobile suits. However, Moonraker does not have that kind of exposure, not yet at least, so we are left in the dark about these mobile suits.
Since we don't know much about the mobile suits that were introduced two episodes ago, let's talk about everyone's favorite fish!

This mysterious fish-carrying vessel has been accompanying Raraiya Monday for quite some time now. It was said to have healing properties and was given to Ms. Monday in hopes to bring back her memories. In this episode we see Raraiya able to speak and call people by their name rather than just repeating 'G!' or 'Chuchumy.' Was the green orb responsible for the Raraiya's progress? We may never know...


I guess they're the purple colored ones...
They're from the moon. They carry Bazookas. Can we say any more about them?

Others of Moonraker

I am not sure of the name of these mobile suits, and I do not want to assume with the little amounts of untranslated material from websites and magazines. A man by the name Ringo Lon Giamanotta, 2nd Lt. surrenders himself, bringing in one of these mobile suits on to the Megafauna. He also mentions the G-Self is a test type mobile suit he has seen before. Please tell me more, Ringo: I want to know more about your people!

That's all I want to cover for this episode. There was much more talking than fighting which makes for a very boring Mecha Analysis, though the built up tension might result in an epic battle in the next episode. Hope to see you then!


Mecha Analysis: Gundam Build Fighters Try Episode 12

Previously on Mecha Analysis
Gundam G no Reconguista Episode 13
Gundam Build Fighters Try Episode 11

Today on Mecha Analysis, we look at episode 12 of Build Fighters: Return of the Meijin.
Something to keep in mind when looking at the Gunpla: Returning from Gundam Build Fighters, the ones responsible for mechanical design of Build Fighters: Return of the Meijin are as follows,

  • Kunio Okawara: THE Gundam designer, designing the original RX-78-2, and Zaku II along with many designs through the years. He's had his hand in Zeta, ZZ, 0080, F90, F91, 0083, Victory, G Gundam, 08th, Wing, X, Turn A, SEED, 00, Unicorn, and many other non-Gundam anime. Holy crap this list is long.
  • Not much is said about Junichi Akutsu, Junya Ishigaki, and Kenji Teraoka.
  • Kanetake Ebikawa, though has been working as a mechanical designer since the late 90s with anime like Blue Submarine No.6 and Full Metal Panic!, did not start designing for the Gundam franchise until 2007 with Mobile Suit Gundam 00. Other notable works include Gunpla Builders Beginning G, Gundam AGE, and Euerka Seven: AO.

Episode 12
The school of Meijin is now in session!

Gundam The End

Let's begin with The End. No new features were shown off, just the full Gunpla. I can confirm the suit design, for me, is quite off putting. Now to figure out which of the designers above were responsible for this hideous mobile suit.

Amazing Red Warrior

As we saw in the latter end of the previous episode, the third Meijin is back in red. It's quite fitting for the Char clone. The Red Warrior is equipped with Gunblades of varying lengths, a back mounted "hands free" Bazooka, and the mobile suit standard vulcans.

The suit itself is not all too interesting, but the fact that Meijin Kawaguchi pilots this suit potentially makes for some amazing episodes in the near future. Unfortunately, for this episode, it is piloted by a depressed Yuuma who has been holding himself back from being awesome. I'm sure we'll get some amazing action from this guy.

SD Beatdown

A shorter match between Fumina and Lady Kawaguchi happens after the showcase match (assumed to be happening simultaneously). Winning Gundam is destroyed by BB Legend Zero Gundam. However, before the match was over Fumina pulls all the parts she can for a final stand creating the absurd Winning Launcher as seen above.

Lady Kawaguchi's Zero Gundam is a stock build, just like the Stargazer she used 6 years ago (she does not confirm, but we can all assume she was the same girl). Somehow I do not believe she will be using this in a tournament.
Zero Gundam is a melee ranged SD mobile suit with two swords: a seemingly regular one and its main blue sword. Transforming the blue sword, Lady Kawaguchi uses Zero's special ability called "Maryu Kakusei."

Translating this, I get 魔竜 (Ma-Ryu) to be Demon (more like demonic magic) Dragon 覚醒 (Kakusei) to be awakening. I hope there's no blunder in translation this time around. The translation for Gurren was pretty embarrassing (please correct me if I am wrong).

That's about it for this episode. Having three fights in one episode doesn't allow any one suit to really show off. See you all tomorrow for more Mecha Analysis!


Open Ocean Adventures: Zaku II High Mobility Type [Psycho Zaku]

Click Here for full album
Thanksgiving day, Okinawa; we were to pull out almost immediately after we pulled in. I realized for the next month, I would not see land, and I had only one Gunpla kit; it was not going to last; I needed more, but where? I had only one day and we were on the desolate side of Okinawa.
Rewind to the day before; while underway, I caught wind of a department store about 2000 yen away; half way between where I was to be and the air force base. AEON; the Target of Japan; the shining star of hope that my days ahead would not be busy with simply grease and grime, but with accurately engineered plastic pieces.
0900, I was able to depart; 2000 yen only to find a mall full of nothing. Why AEON? Why have you failed me? But this cab ride cost me quite a bit; I could not go back empty handed; I was not just a mere tourist! I searched around the block. I headed up the river; Pachinko surrounded me. But there it stood, two stories of tinted glass: Yamada.
But what is Yamada? I think I have heard of it before. As I entered the tinted door, I read "For your >> Just" It suddenly dawned on me. I have been to one of these! They had one in Fukouka! They also had a pallet of RG Exias a day before they were supposed to release! I walked to the end of the main aisle and there it was, an aisle dedicated to Gunpla.

The Thunderbolt series is a manga series about the Universal Century somewhere in a zone littered asteroids and space junk. Thus, some of the Thunderbolt suits have many shields. At least this is true for the Earth Federation. As for the Spacenoids from space, I guess they may just know more about traveling through asteroid fields or something. Since I have not read the manga series, I am one to say. However, one thing is true; the Thunderbolt suits were designed for space. From the insulated joints to the big insulated hoses, these suits were made to look like the astronauts of present day.

First Impression
As with the Thunderbolt series, the cover art has always been interesting to me. Instead of the cleanly cell shaded or 3-D graphics, they chose to use the only thing that was ever made for the series; manga cover art. This drew me to purchase the Full Armor Gundam earlier this year, and now, the Psycho Zaku. The drawback I always over look when looking at the box art is one; the price, and two; the giant back pack. The price is right around the range of a real grade, which is understandable due to the amount of plastic included and the details going in. Details include skin piercing sharp points, and much color separation or at the very least, the option for such. The back pack, well, it is the minivan of Gundam. Never have I seen such an unreasonably big pack. However, that is the general signature of the Thunderbolt series.

As I was researching different Zakus, the one common thing aside from the mono-eye is the 'T' chest plate. In this case, it is orange plastic injected. As with most of the chest plates, the color travels down to the core piece. This chest plate is mounted on a beautiful maroon body. However, for the upper body, this maroon is hidden by the back pack and the shoulder sockets.

The shoulder sockets are made up of black plastic. Unlike most kits I have dealt with, the poly-caps are covered with a plate, giving the illusion that the socket is the same material at the rest of the body.
The collar for the head socket is a single grey plate. I saw this done on the GM Sniper K9, and it gives for nice color separation. This, as with the shoulder socket plate, do a nice job in hiding the poly-cap.
Although I wish they spent more time on the skirt, they still did a good job on it. As always with the High Grade kits, the back is stationary, the side skirts are mounted on poly caps, and the front is a single piece mounted on the crotch. The one thing that was done right was the inside joints. These were done in grey; if one was to paint the inside skirts in the same color, then the parts with the most movement will never lose color.

As mentioned before, the hoses have been given the insulation treatment. This means busty hoses with more detail than just straight lines. In the case of the standard Zaku II head in this kit, the hose surrounding what would be the neck gives the impression of a thick scarf.

Skin piercing sharp points on the commander fin without the need to modify, file, or sand are a big bonus to me. Not that I hate doing those things, but for it to come out of the box that way tells me that the kit is a quality piece.

Nothing came out as special to me when it came to the arms; they seemed too much like the Zaku I Sniper type that I had built earlier this year. For example, the forearms are made up of two black half shells that are covered up a maroon piece on the wrist and under forearm. The only detail that I do enjoy is in every Thunderbolt kit thus far; insulated joints. I would make this the selling point of the arms, but it really is the selling point of the series.

As with most Zaku IIs, the shoulder armor is one angled deflector plate, and one spiked shell. The deflector plate uses four small boosters. So small, I lost one of them trying to put it in. The golden spikes on the shell give an almost royal guard look to the suit.

I have not built a high mobility type Zaku II yet, but I cannot imagine the others are much different in terms of the legs; a split shell core for the calves surrounded another split shell that is covered by a shin piece. The calf core houses three boosters, the biggest ones in the kit, which are generally covered by the outer shell. The one complaint I have is that the core was not done in black or grey. If it is not visible after the outer shell is placed, then it should really be an inside color. However, because it is not visible, I guess it really is not a problem at all.

Included in this kit are a plethora of weapons. In fact, because it is cheaper to print two runners instead of making different customized runners, more weapons are included than the instructions state.

Two Giant Bazookas and four clips

Although this kit states that there is only one, they include two full main bazookas. Although the giant clips on the back intrude on the elbow and cannot be held straight, these big guns give the front of the kit some volume that otherwise would be outweighed by the minivan back pack. Would I dual wield? No; that would be cheesy.

The four clips I would imagine would be for the big gun. Gold ammo surrounded by a grey clip, most mistakes while extracting the gold are covered by this grey clip.

Three Zaku Bazookas

Mounted on the top of the upper tank, these three mini bazookas are significantly smaller than the main bazooka. Although the picture shows the exhaust is gold, these bazookas are sadly monochromatic.
Four grenades
Each weapon runner included two grenades. Although the kit calls for only three, one more was included. As with the grenades on a certain High Grade Kampfer, these grenades are split shells; nothing special here.

One machine gun and five clips

Standard issue Zaku II machine gun. If not being held, is simply hangs on the lower tank on a small hook. If it is being held, the shoulder stock intrudes on the elbow. Thus, holding this gun in general is a big problem. The four extra clips are mounted on the sides of the upper tank.

One Heat Hawk and three Strum Fausts

Split shells or single pieces, these simple standard issue Zaku II weapons will require some painting.

The one thing I feared most was that the kit would cheap out on the back pack, and they did. Like the Full Armor I built before, I felt like the time and detail spent on the main suit was not spent on the back pack. Thus there were many large two piece split shells that came together, making the volume bigger than the main kit. In fact, with this kit, the mount included is not tall enough to handle the back packs "wing span" which goes to show how much thought was even put into those large tanks.

Despite my complaints on the pack, this kit was fun to build. If you are looking for a detailed High Grade, or even some extra Zeonic weapons, I would highly suggest this kit. However, be warned that "minivan" is a perfect description. Hope to share with you soon, thank you for making it this far, even if you are just scanning through the photos!

Mecha Analysis: G no Reconguista Episode 13

Previously on Mecha Analysis
Gundam Build Fighters Try Episode10
Gundam G no Reconguista Episode 11

Today on Mecha Analysis, we look at episode 13 of Gundam Moonraker. Something to keep in mind when looking at the mechanical designs of Gundam Moonraker: The ones responsible for mechanical design are as follows,
  • Akira Yasuda, known for designing mechs in Turn A Gundam, Code Geass and Overman King Gainer.
  • Kimitoshi Yamane, notable for mechanical designs in G Gundam, Gundam SEED, SEED Destiny, SEED Stargazer, IGLOO, and Eureka Seven: AO
  • Not much can be found about Ippei Gyobu. I think he's new.

Episode 13
I like this episode. Even though more questions came up than were answered, the enemy shrouded in mystery makes for a more menacing one! I'm hoping more is revealed (about the enemy mobile suits) as the Megafauna heads of to Towasanga. Unfortunately, not much is revealed about the enemy and not much new came from the protagonist suits. This article will be short.


G-Self's 70s special effects appears once again, this time as a shield.


Hecate also uses an energy shield. This version is more like an energy wall.


The names of the Moonraker mobile suits are not mentioned in this episode and the website has not updated on any information about these mobile suits. I think Sunrise wants to keep this enemy shrouded in mystery. One mobile suit that is focused on seems to be the commanding officer.

Quite an interesting suit that mobile suit with a color scheme similar to the Elf-Bull. The eyes and head shape remind me of the F91 mobile suits, the rear fin on its head reminds me of the Gelgoogs, and the asymmetry in the eyes and arms are always a welcome sight. I look forward to seeing more of this katana wielding mobile suit in the coming episodes.


I am not a big fan of its body shape though. The upper chest looks a little strange to me. I will have to wait until a kit comes out before making the final judgment.

That's it for this week of Mecha Analysis. Stay tuned for more adventure in Gundam, Gunpla, and the continued pursuit of perfection through Bandai's money sinks!